Thursday, November 10, 2011

No ipod; thanks!

It has been seven days since my move to New York. Its such a big city with so many people and yet no one talks to eachother. The subways are full in the morning but everyone keeps to themselves by listening to their ipod or sleeping. In Florida, we drive in our cars by ourselves and get into accidents because we are texting friends. At the restaurant, everyone quietly does their prep work, again keeping to themselves. I'm in the loudest city but no one talks! All communication is done through car horns.
Friends tell me to get an ipod for the subway rides but I think I've decided to refuse. I think I will try to get people talking. I'm not sure how well this will work and if anyone has every tried this before. I need to take advantage of the fact that I am still starry-eyed and amazed with this city. This is the time to make conscious positive decisions and to not mimic all of the rest of the hardened tired faces that surround me in this city.

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