Sunday, February 5, 2012

Moving right along!

Yesterday was officially four months that I've been living in NY. I went home last weekend and fell into a bad case of homesickness when I got back here. I was terribly depressed for a week and now I'm back to normal. It's amazing how adaptable we humans are.
While back home, I spent time with a guy who started as a friend but a relationship has developed between us since I moved. The time I spent with him last weekend was great. I had a lot of concerns that maybe we had gotten too used to texting and wouldn't jive too well in person but that wasn't the case at all. It really seems like we have developed a real relationship..even though I got introduced as a friend...that stung a little bit. He is moving to NY and the plan as of right now, this second, today, is for us to get an apartment together. My roommate knows and she's been super supportive. The thought of moving again is absolutely daunting but the thought of living with this guy and seeing where this relationship could go is exciting enough for me to suck it up and move again.
Its been difficult being single in this city. The guys here seem to be more agressive and seem to want to move quicker to get into some sort of relationship. I've had two guys stick their tongue in my mouth unexpectedly which caused me to stumble home drunk literally spitting in disgust. I can't say that ever happened in Tampa!
I'm finally cooking in a restaurant that I really like. I'm still broke and always feeling that I'm one bill away from bouncing a check. The dilemma is that the more people I meet and the more friends I make, the more I go out and spend money. It's a vicious, stressful, social, fun cycle. I know that it will all change. One day, I'll be making more money. One day, I won't even be living in NY anymore! I'm trying my best to live in the moment and enjoy life as it comes.

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